
Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts

Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts for a Night out in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Clubs

Part of our ongoing public service here at Nightlife Unlocked is helping our guests better enjoy the nightlife and daylife offerings in Las Vegas. We try to use our insider knowledge to advise on things that other sites either wouldn’t know or share. So here are ten Do’s and Don’t for Las Vegas Nightclubs/ Dayclubs. As always tips are appreciated!


  1. Do get bottle service. Whether by yourself, in a group of guys, girls, or a mixed group always spring for the bottle service. Especially in Vegas. Even the worst table is better than no table. Need help? Call us!
  2. Do always have your ID on you at all times. Doesn’t matter how old or young you look. Keep a valid form of ID on you at all times at all places in Vegas.
  3. Don’t cross any velvet rope on your own. If someone doesn’t open it for you, you’re not invited.
  4. Do tip everyone that does something for you. If you say thank you, make sure to say it with money, and nothing less than $20, please.
  5. Do spend a little more money on your bathing suit for an afternoon at a dayclub or Las Vegas pool. Also, spend the extra money on those expensive sunglasses. Is it superficial? Yes, but so are the people judging you.
  6. Don’t argue with security. Ever. Please. It won’t end well.
  7. Do always plan ahead, but not too much. Usually, six to four weeks ahead is good. Any more and your guess is as good as ours. But don’t try to wing it either, or you’ll just end up in a really bad place.
  8. Do be willing to talk to strangers and open to the world around you. Vegas doesn’t just happen. You have to make it happen.
  9. Do try to avoid visiting on Fridays or Saturdays. We realize that it’s the weekend for most of the world but Vegas is so much better Sundays through Thursdays. Everything from prices to the crowds, mid-week in Vegas is how the pros do it.
  10. Do look your absolute best. Don’t just tuck your polo into your “going out jeans”. That means wear a jacket if you’re a guy, and get those pants tailored. Put some effort in! Girls, wear those sexy shoes. But bring those $7 roll up Walgreens flats for later on. Don’t bareback those Las Vegas streets. In fact, don’t bareback anything in Las Vegas.


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