The 411 on Sapphire Las Vegas
The 4-1-1 on Sapphire Las Vegas
A quintessential part of the allure of Vegas is excess, indulgence and naked flesh, as well as the thrill of trying something exciting and risqué. For the most part, the fancy “it” bars aren’t particularly daringly bold when it comes to the latter aspect, and after an evening or two at these venues, the flesh bared doesn’t look quite so bare. Here is the 411 on Sapphire Las Vegas…
Strip Clubbin’
In keeping with the city of Sin’s traditions, the “something for everyone” motto extends to the world of strip clubs, for both guys and girls alike. Another motto thrown in for the hell of it? Go big or go the hell home! Our pick of the season (for now at least) is Sapphire, Las Vegas style baby! This totally topless gentlemen’s club has been endorsed by the likes of Charlie Sheen (read that however you like), but IS there such a thing as bad publicity these days? Yes, shit gets crazy here…But isn’t that the point?!?
This venue is the largest strip club in the world at 70,000 square feet, and it features a try of stages joined together in a bridge that goes across the room. One BIG room where a barrage of dancers strut their stuff to vie for the patrons’ attention from their perch on opposing poles. The most unusual aspect of your experience here? The women on said poles look just like women you see out in the real world daily…just perhaps the better looking of those women. Natural looking, especially compared to their over-the-top counterparts at similar joints, and they come in all shapes and sizes, which is refreshing quite honestly.
Nude, Not Rude
Sheen isn’t the only famous mug to make an appearance here; others who choose a more discrete approach take their partying to the private (and more expensive) rooms upstairs for some VIP action. During daylight hours, you can spend the day basking in the hotter than hell sunlight with your “girls” at the Sapphire pool. $20 will earn you a laptop, so no excuses on your budget not allowing you to cross this off your bucket list! Sapphire, Las Vegas edition, is open 24/7 7 days a week.
Guy’s Getaway
Not every Vegas trip with the boys needs to get as out of control as the movie The Hangover, but if you’re looking for or planning a real man’s man experience, no other city does it quite like this one. Whether it’s a bachelor balls to the wall event or just an excuse to get away from the wifey for a weekend with your dudes, your itinerary needs to include Sapphire Las Vegas Gentleman’s Club hands down.
Book in some casino time, catch a sports game of your liking, check out some of the top hotel pools we’ve talked about in previous posts, hit up a few trendy bars if you’re feeling it, and then complete your night by parting with classy strippers at Sapphires. After all, it ain’t over til the big-hearted stripper swings….or something like that….