How to walk into a Las Vegas Nightclub
How to walk into a Las Vegas Nightclub
The correct and proper way to walk into a Las Vegas Nightclub can be intimidating. However, simply knowing what to expect, what to do, but most importantly, who to tip(and not to tip), can make all the difference.
Meeting Your Host
The most important part of walking into a Las Vegas nightclub is securing a table reservation ahead of time. We at Nightlife Unlocked make it fast, easy, and transparent. We will be more than glad to set you up with one of our Sr. hosts, to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Once in touch with one of our hosts and a table is confirmed, a meeting place will be arranged in the resort where the nightclub is located. Make sure to tip the walk-in host upon initial contact, this is how they make their living. When gathered, it is important that everyone in your party has a valid state or country issued identification. Sorry, no Costco cards or gym membership cards; no matter how skinny you look or how gray your hair is. Also, take the opportunity to check everyone’s pockets for any sharp objects, or questionable paraphernalia (cannabis pens, mace, small knives, etc). Nightclubs are extremely strict, as safety is the number one concern. Getting rid of anything that is not allowed will speed things up later when going through security. It doesn’t matter how much you plan on spending in the nightclub, it’s not worth them losing their gaming license. Once everything is in order, your assigned Nightlife Unlocked host will lead you to the table reservation area, and on to the next part of the journey.
Your Nightlife Unlocked host will deal with the doorman and confirm the reservation. This ensures that when you approach the ropes, they will open like a high school girlfriend on prom night. Warning: do not attempt to jump the ropes, go under the ropes, or touch the ropes, unless you want a couple of 300-pound ex-linebackers to tackle you. If that’s the case, have at it. Once escorted through the ropes, nightclub security will perform a thorough purse and pocket check. They have gotten to the point where some venues make you take off your shoes, check your socks, take off cell phone covers, and shake out your hair. Everyone will also get wanded down by a metal detector. Finally, the group will get their IDs checked and get a stamp that indicates they are over 21, as well as another stamp that waves the cover charge (since you do have a table, right?). It is best to let the people who do these checks, do their job. Fight the urge to tell a joke or make a snide remark, as it will only slow things down. Once the group is through the necessary frivolities, you are ready to walk through a crowd of a few thousand people to your waiting piece of real estate for the night.
Navigating the Crowd/ Table Manners
While walking through the crowd, keep your eye on your host. Your host will either raise an arm or light to increase visibility. It is also a good idea to hold onto a hand, shoulder, or other body part (but receive permission first) of a person in your group. If at this point you experience kindergarten déjà vu, embrace it! You’re almost there! Arriving at your table, the group will be introduced to the attending waitress, busser, and security assigned to your table. Make sure to take care of the busser and your security. Those two will keep your area clean, and shoo away the riffraff respectively. The waitress tip is usually automatically tallied at the end of the night so for now, don’t worry about her. It’s at this point that the order for the first bottle(s) is placed, and payment is taken. Once the order is received, the waitress will return with your liquid happiness and possibly a parade, if you ordered right. You can now sit back, and relax. Congratulations! You successfully walked into a Las Vegas Nightclub! Now, try not to black out.
What are your experiences with working with the door host? Do they make you feel like VIP or do they just say you are to make a sale?